Acknowledgement Matters

I recently received a call from an old friend who managed to seize few hours from her hectic schedule and unwind over the phone. No thanks to her not-so-fancy-but-a real turnoff  daily routine that rarely would let us talk or even catch up online. And given the fact that this time the hiatus from our interaction was quite long, we left no stone unturned to prove the proven equation that states


sketch: the author of

As we neared wrapping up the conversation, she spoke about something that touched. Actually if I recall the conversation that lasted a little more past sixty minutes, I must say I re-realized the importance of an easy word of immense importance – acknowledgement.

Now before I go ahead, allow me to introduce this friend of mine who is undoubtedly a versatile and rare talent. She is an


sketch: the author of

and hardworking finance professional, an


sketch: the author of

She does not cook so often. But she is really good when she does.And hence, a


sketch: the author of

But above all, she is a great, great friend and human being.


sketch: the author of

And now, this friend of mine barely can steal some time for herself and her hobbies. But  as we went ahead with our long chat, I realized it is not really time that keeps her off her interests but the motivation to do so. When we discussed how talented she always has been, she said that was once upon a time. I tried to figure out what made her feel so.And when I insisted that she should pay little attention to herself and her talent, she immediately agreed. That did suffice for me to realize that something she really misses is being genuinely acknowledged.

We love to see ourselves, our family, friends, and acquaintances  or just anyone we know, smiling and relaxed. Don’t we? I think it is not that difficult a task if we remember to acknowledge. It does matter and make a difference. We are all human beings who love to loved. Acknowledgement is inexpensive. But it has that feel good factor that acts as a powerful motivational tool that matters more than an expensive gift. Whether at job, or amidst friends or family, every individual  likes to get noticed.

For instance:

1) It is common for a watchman (in offices, restaurants, etc) to salute everyone  everyday.But how about the watchman being greeted in return? That would definitely make his day because uncommon is priceless. 

2) How about appreciating a student for his/ her art and craft and ignoring his/ her not-so-strong mathematics?

Well, it matters! Even if an individual is aware of his/her talent, it means a lot when someone else appreciates him/her. It is a priceless power booster. So,let us go ahead and just


sketch: the author of

6 thoughts on “Acknowledgement Matters

  1. Absolutely true. A little praise can make such a difference and we all probably forget to praise those closest to us enough, thinking they realise we thing they are talented, lovely people or whatever. But recognition of that is so important.

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